Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Have I mentioned, by chance, how short I am? I'm five foot nothing.

Also, have I mentioned, by chance, how high the ceilings are in the new house? Like 12 feet.

Lets do some math. 

5 foot woman + a ladder / 12 feet ceilings = 3 inches too short

I can't reach the top of the walls to cut in. That was the most aggravating thing ever, after I drug that stupid, heavy ladder out of the closet, fought with it for 30 minutes (my husband bought the worlds most complicated ladder EVER)

In fact, let me introduce you to the worlds most complicated ladder.

My nemesis. 

I know, it probably doesn't look that complicated to some, but this ladder kicks my butt everytime.

To 'open' the ladder you have to push these knobby things in on both sides, and then turn them. And I can't ever remember if it's supposed to be clockwise or counter clockwise. So, that's round one of the fight.

Round two is getting it to latch, which for some reason I always have a problem with.

Round three is adjusting the height, with the do-dads here on the side. This ladder will also become an extension ladder, and all other types of things. It's like the Super Man of ladders. It just hates me.

So, after fighting to get the ladder right, I climbed up it, with my little tray of paint and paint brush, reached up... and realized I was 3 inches too short. My husband was not happy to hear that he has to help me, since he's taller than me. The man hates to paint, but the color Blythe Anne's room was has to go. And of course, I forgot to take a before picture (I'm still getting used to the fact that I finally have a camera again!!), but I did take an after picture of the coat of primer on the wall.

That peachy color on the molding? That was the color of the entire room. Ceiling, molding, walls. All peach. OMG made me want to poke my eyes out to keep from looking at it! There are some quirky things going on in this room, like the ceiling tiles (I hate ceiling tiles) to the random vertical trim pieces on the wall... it needs to be sheet rocked. But since I don't know when we'll get around to that, I'm going to go on and paint it, because I cannot live with that peach!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Back from the unofficial break

Yes, I realize I haven't posted since October. Everything with the house selling/buying went to crap, and I was stressed to the max. 

A condensed version of the story: The problems with the title to the house we were going to buy were not minor problems, it was more like 3 major problems. We finally gave up on that house.

I then found out about another house for sell (I heard about it on Facebook, of all places). I didn't think I was going to like the house when I first heard about it, because it's in town, it's on a major highway, and across the road from a cotton gin. But after I came and saw the house, none of those things even came close to mattering. 

The first time the house shows up on records is 1920, and was built by the first doctor in this parish, so the house was also used as his doctor office. It has all the original old doors and the door knobs with the skeleton keys, hardwood floors, high ceilings... it's just absolutely wonderful.

The day after I first saw the house I signed the purchase agreement. Exactly two weeks later, we closed on the house. I KNOW! It went so fast, I couldn't believe it! Also unbelievable -- I bought a house my husband had never seen. I sent him pictures, but that's not the same. 

Then the holidays happened, and I haven't even had time to THINK about my blog at all. But things are slowing down some now, so I can get back on the horse :) I also finally got a new camera (a Nikon D3000), so I can finally take pictures again. Blythe and I are having a girls weekend, we sent the boys off to the camp with Mawmaw and Pawpaw, and we're going to (attempt) to start painting her new room tomorrow. The girl we bought the house from had painted the whole house, and had great taste in paint colors thank goodness, but she didn't get around to painting what is now Blythe's room. And it is a god awful peach color right now. Blythe's birthday was yesterday, and she asked for zebra bedding (not my personal favorite, but it is her room) so I got her that and pink sheets. The peach walls have to go. As of right now the plan is to just paint the room white. I don't want to much going on since she wanted to go the zebra route. Oh, and not only are the WALLS peach, but so is the crown molding AND the ceiling. Yes. I'm serious. I don't know how I'm going to get  the ceilings painted, guess we'll figure that out tomorrow :)

About Me

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I have three kids:
Blythe Anne, 8
Jonah, 7
Peyton, 4

My husband and I have been married for 6 years, and I spend my days being a stay at home mom while he's a driller on a land rig. So for six months of the year (he works a week on, a week off), I'm raising these kids by myself. I would write more, but I hear children screaming :)

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