Saturday, November 10, 2012

Well this day didn't go as planned....

Today was a promising day, our first Saturday not having to go to a soccer game or football game to cheer, we were just going to stay at home and do some laundry and organize a little. It was going to be such a great day.

So I went to the deep freezer to pull out a pork loin to throw in the crockpot, and realized that said pork loin wasn't completely frozen, and it's been in the freezer for weeks. OH NO! The freezer isn't freezing! 

So all of my plans for just organizing closets, turned into moving tons of food from the deep freezer to the other freezer, a cooler, and the kitchen sink. Then cleaning up the mess as the deep freezer defrosted (it's an upright, so it makes a mess. I'm sure there's a way to do it with out making a mess, I just don't know what it is yet) But the good news is that the freezer is working again, I've moved all the food back to where it goes, and I've straitened the house back up. Isn't it amazing how one thing being thrown off in your house effects everything else, and throws it off too?

While I had all the food out of the freezer, I decided to move it over, and rearrange the laundry room all together. I guess it's more of a "mudroom," I've never really known what to call that room out there. There's the freezer, the dogs' crate they sleep in, and the litter box (ew). I then decided it's time to start a new project: a small remodel of the laundry room area. It's just a wreck out there, no one has ever bothered doing anything with it, and I just can't stand it any longer, since I spend so much time out there. For Christ sakes, there's freaking green astro turf for the flooring! It's got to go.... SOON!

There are cabinets in the laundry room, and they're going to stay, they just need a good coat of paint to cover up the yellow (I've got to get some pictures so you can see the green astro turf and yellow cabinets), and we've got to replace the subfloor, for several different reasons, and then some new flooring. I've been pinning away ideas on Pinterest tonight.

I really think this is a project that we could tackle ourselves, but when I brought it up to Joey, he told me to call and hire someone. Of course, it could have something to do with the fact that I'm trying to plan home improvement projects in the middle of deer season and he's worried it will interfere ;)

So coming up next, to show you some of my ideas for the space, and some pictures of the actual room.

(Do you see how this went from a freezer not working to it leading me to decide to remodel the room? Yeh. That's how my mind works.)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Cleaning 101

I found this on Pinterest the other day (who'd imagine that? finding amazing things on Pinterest -- never!) and I've been using this schedule to keep my home clean, and I've got to say, it's working for me. It also helps that the kids' busy schedules have slowed down too, so I'm able to get more done. 

The every morning and every night stuff I've always done, so that's nothing different. 

I do my laundry at night, I don't know why, but it's how I do it. It's taken several years to get a good routine going for my family for our laundry, especially with a family of 5. I used to always have clean clothes piled on the couch or piled up in clothes baskets, but I've finally put a stop to all of that -- JUST STOP DOING IT! ;) Simple, right? It is! Just don't pile the clothes up on the couch or baskets. Ever. 

I never start laundry unless I can finish it, completely -- wash, dried, folded, and put away. This is why I do my laundry at night, because during the day I'm in and out, so I have a harder time having the time to do the laundry from start to finish. I also bought each of the kids their own little clothes basket. So I put a load in the washing machine, put it in the drier as soon as it finishes, and after the load is dry, I stand in the laundry room and fold the clothes as I pull them out of the drier. I separate each kids' clothes to their baskets, and I put mine and Joey's clothes on top of the drier. I usually wait until the kids' baskets are full before I take the baskets to their rooms, because... well I'm lazy ;) 

With our family of 5, I usually have to do two loads of clothes a night. How about you??

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Slowing down

Things have slowed down a good bit around around, thank goodness. Blythe Anne was on a cheer squad, and Jonah was playing soccer, so that took up our Saturdays for the past two months or so. And it took up our Mondays and Thursdays after school with practice. Needless to say, I'm pretty happy that's all over and we can slow down.

Waiting for Bubba to play soccer :)

This was Jonah's first year playing soccer, andI do believe he'll want to play again next year too.

(Some how I don't have any pictures of Blythe Anne cheering. I really don't know how this happened)

So now maybe I'll have time to do some things around this house!!

About Me

My photo
I have three kids:
Blythe Anne, 8
Jonah, 7
Peyton, 4

My husband and I have been married for 6 years, and I spend my days being a stay at home mom while he's a driller on a land rig. So for six months of the year (he works a week on, a week off), I'm raising these kids by myself. I would write more, but I hear children screaming :)

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