(yes, it was the best day of my husband's life. You know, aside from our wedding day and the the days our children were born. Tv day comes right after those. At least I hope.)
(And, a pat on my back, we paid cash for it. A year ago, I would have never thought we could make a purchase like this without a loan. Funny how things change, and how quickly.)
It's great. The picture is so clear. I had no idea that Jason Aldean had piercings until watching CMT on the 55 inch. Big difference in it and the 20 something inch tv we had before.
Here's the problem: what to put under the tv? For the time being, I stuck a little cedar table cabinet thing I already had that was short enough to go under it. And it looks tiny. I tried to do some research as to how to decorate around a large tv, with no luck.
(oh look. I found an iPhone picture.)
But, I'm thinking, and I may be wrong, but whatever I put under it, should be as wide, or wider than the tv, correct? Yes. I do believe that's the correct thing to do.
Now to find something. I found something at Paul Micheal's back at Christmas, but I haven't been back to see if they still have them. I really hope they do, because it was so awesome.
Now I leave you with a picture of a sweet little boy playing in the dirt at the ball park a few days ago.
(edited with Instagram for iPhone. Awesome stuff)
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