Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Yellow Paint

I stumbled across this picture of a little house that look almost just like ours, while reading over at Hooked on Houses.  My windows on either side of the fireplace are big windows though, the triple window or the part that sticks out is the dinning room. The two smaller windows is kitchen. And at the very back, where the rood slants down, is the laundry room.

Our old house has horrible vinyl siding that we plan on replacing very soon, but we plan on keeping our old, original to the house windows. I love them. I know my energy bill isn't going to love them as much, but I think that they add character to the house. When we put the new siding up, we plan on putting up fiber cement boards. They look just like the old wood siding that was used way back when, but without all of the maintenance of wood siding, but you paint it like real wood, and yellow was on my list of what color to paint the house.

I think this picture is a sign that I should ;) 


And I'm supper excited! I learned last night that the lovely, organizing queen, Toni is hosting another organizing program. I rather call it an organizing PAR-TAY! I love organizing, I love every thing having a place, and I love hearing about other's ideas on organizing and getting tips that will  help me.

This round is going to last 14 weeks, and I'm ready for it NOW!
Here's what the plan looks like...


Week 1  (9/1/12)... The Kitchen
Week 2  (9/8/12)... The Garage 
Week 3  (9/15/12)... The Pantry 
Week 4 (9/22/12)... The Office
Week 5  (9/29/12)... Laundry Room
Week 6  (10/6/12)... The Master Bedroom
Week 7  (10/13/12)... The Linen Closet
Week 8  (10/20/12)... The Dining Room
Week 9  (10/27/12)... Kids Closets (or any closet)
Week 10  (11/3/12)... The Living Room
Week 11  (11/10/12)... The Play Room (bonus room)
Week 12  (11/17/12)... The Bathrooms
Week 13  (12/1/12)... Master Closet
Week 14  (12/8/12)... Mudroom (or entryway)

Please come join us, this is one of my favorite things in blogland :)

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About Me

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I have three kids:
Blythe Anne, 8
Jonah, 7
Peyton, 4

My husband and I have been married for 6 years, and I spend my days being a stay at home mom while he's a driller on a land rig. So for six months of the year (he works a week on, a week off), I'm raising these kids by myself. I would write more, but I hear children screaming :)

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