It's a very dim light. And by dim, I mean, you can KINDA see it, if you squint. And turn your head to the right at a 45 degree angle. And hop on one leg.
Things are moving full force ahead with the house buying and selling. The new house has been appraised, and did well. My current home was supposed to be appraised today... but the guy never showed up, never called anyone to say he was, or to call to say when he is coming. Slightly aggravated about that, but hey, not much I can do. But this guy is slowing up progress.
As of right now, we still have a few weeks before we close. It's roughly set for the 18th for our house and the 19th on the new house. (but if this appraiser doesn't hurry up and show up... anyways) The lady we're buying our new house from has asked for about a week after we close for her to move her things out... so we should be moving around the end of August. And right now that's all I want. All the buying and selling to be over and to be in the new house. Once we've been there a little bit, then we'll start the remodel.
Oh, did I mention that? The house was built in the late 70's... and nothing has been done to it since then. Paneling, blue bath tubs and toilets... oh lord have mercy. It's a lot. I'm trying not to focus on all the work right now (even though I've been pinning away on pintest ideas for things to do to the new house), and just focus on getting in the house.
Oh, and we're going to live in the house while we do all these major remodels.
Yeh. We've lost our minds.
HGTV, DIY, if ya'll are reading this, feel free to offer us a show, I promise this is going to be an entertaining experience.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
No end in sight
After finding out that our credit had all types of bull mess on it, we were angry. There have been many phone calls made, and we're now disputing them. But, this takes time. Time that we don't have. We need to have financing worked out for the new house by next Thursday. Or else our contract will be void and the house will go back on the market.
I'm trying to be positive, maybe we'll work this all out some how, or even if it does goes on the market, around here it takes a while for houses to sell.
But I'm also trying to be realistic. The chances of not getting the house are higher than I wish.
I don't do well with waiting. It's eating me up. I just want it to all be over with all ready.
I'm trying to be positive, maybe we'll work this all out some how, or even if it does goes on the market, around here it takes a while for houses to sell.
But I'm also trying to be realistic. The chances of not getting the house are higher than I wish.
I don't do well with waiting. It's eating me up. I just want it to all be over with all ready.

Monday, July 11, 2011
At this rate, we won't have to sell the house...
Our daughter has a goal. A big goal. And she's doing really well to met said big goal.
To burn the house down.
And it's happened twice in the past two days.
With three kids running around, our house sometimes gets funky smelling. Especially since we're potty training "The Baby" (um, he's 3, doesn't really count as a baby any more, huh?) So there are lot of smells going on right now, and I've been burning a candle in the kitchen.
Yesterday, she tried to heat up an uncrustable peanut butter and jelly sandwich, on a plastic plate, over the candle.
Then today, she held a rubber band with a clothe pin (I guess so she wouldn't burn her fingers? I don't know), over the flame of the candle.
OMG, the SMELL of a burnt rubber band is awful, people. Like worse smell ever, I couldn't go in the kitchen for several hours because it was so bad.
I don't know what has gotten into her, but I'm sure I'm going to have to check into a mental institution soon.
To burn the house down.
And it's happened twice in the past two days.
With three kids running around, our house sometimes gets funky smelling. Especially since we're potty training "The Baby" (um, he's 3, doesn't really count as a baby any more, huh?) So there are lot of smells going on right now, and I've been burning a candle in the kitchen.
Yesterday, she tried to heat up an uncrustable peanut butter and jelly sandwich, on a plastic plate, over the candle.
Then today, she held a rubber band with a clothe pin (I guess so she wouldn't burn her fingers? I don't know), over the flame of the candle.
OMG, the SMELL of a burnt rubber band is awful, people. Like worse smell ever, I couldn't go in the kitchen for several hours because it was so bad.
I don't know what has gotten into her, but I'm sure I'm going to have to check into a mental institution soon.

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Really, Check your credit report people.
I'll try to keep this short and sweet.
whyyyyyyyy?!?!?! what did I doooooo??
*complete nervous break down rocking back and forth*
Oh yeh, was going to keep this short. So. There are things that shouldn't be on there. Like one said we haven't been paying. When I called, there response was "oh. You HAVE been paying, huh?"
It took everything in me not to snap. My eye started twitching. I then asked how long it would take to take it off. Oh, 30-60 days.
I don't HAVE 30-60 days.
I called another one, and they couldn't find anything (a supposedly medical bill collection company) in our names. OH REALLY?! Then why in the world is it on my credit?! You're ruining my life!
I may be a little dramatic.
There's a pretty good chance that I won't get this worked out in time. And I won't be getting my big house.
And the first person (actually, they would be the second, my mother in law has already said it) to say "everything happens for a reason..."
Oh, it's gonna be ugly.
- We found a cheap 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom fixer-upper.
- We made an offer on said house.
- We put our current house on the market.
- Our offer on bigger house was accepted (yay!)
- My best friend decided she wanted to buy our house (yay!)
- She made an offer (Yay!)
- We accepted it (well, duh)
- We've been denied financing.
whyyyyyyyy?!?!?! what did I doooooo??
*complete nervous break down rocking back and forth*
Oh yeh, was going to keep this short. So. There are things that shouldn't be on there. Like one said we haven't been paying. When I called, there response was "oh. You HAVE been paying, huh?"
It took everything in me not to snap. My eye started twitching. I then asked how long it would take to take it off. Oh, 30-60 days.
I don't HAVE 30-60 days.
I called another one, and they couldn't find anything (a supposedly medical bill collection company) in our names. OH REALLY?! Then why in the world is it on my credit?! You're ruining my life!
I may be a little dramatic.
There's a pretty good chance that I won't get this worked out in time. And I won't be getting my big house.
And the first person (actually, they would be the second, my mother in law has already said it) to say "everything happens for a reason..."
Oh, it's gonna be ugly.

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