Saturday, January 1, 2011

21 days to getting organized: Day One

Alternative title: my worse nightmare come true. The junk drawers and I have a bad relationship. I keep trying to tame it, and after a few weeks, it always ends up back at this point:


I knooow, right?!

So, I thought my large basket would be large enough to hold all of my junk, but no, I was wrong, I ended up with this:

That's one basket and two bowls. This is ridiculous people, and I'm totally blaming this all on my husband and kids. All their fault.

So, now that I have everything out of the drawer and in the baskets and bowls, I got everything ready. Cabinet liner, scissors, cleaner, the little boxes I picked up at Walmart today to help me keep these drawers organized, the trash can, all that fun stuff.

The first drawer, I laid the cabinet liner in the drawer and drew lines to cut along. As soon as I started cutting, I realized that was completely not necessary. It's the bumpy textured kind, and there are pretty much lines on the back you can follow.So, the second one I made marks where I needed to start cutting and just followed the bumpy textured stuff. Which was way easier than trying to keep it in place while trying to draw lines.

I finally started to make some progress. This probably didn't really take that long, I didn't time myself, but with the hate that I have for these junk drawers (it started out as one, but the junk started to spread), it seemed like it took forever.

Finally, all nice and clean and organized. Now, if I can keep the husband and kids out of the kitchen, it'll stay that way (remember? This is all their fault??)

Now I'm worried about tomorrow's challenge. What if it's to clean out under the sink? Or the bathroom closet? Oh god, I'm hyperventilating ;)

(This is day one of the 21 days to getting organized at a bowl full of lemons. Join us!)

(Also, please ignore my Christmas decorations that are still up. They go in the attic and I can't put them away myself, and I'm waiting for my husband to get home to do it. Don't judge me.)


Sassy Sites! said...

Great job!! We are hosting "Operation Organization" over at Sassy Sites this month too! I would love to have you come over and link up with us!


Unknown said...

Very nice. Im loving all of the containers you are using!!! Thanks for linking up!! Hugs, Toni

Suzanne said...

I just read your profile, husband gone for 6 months at a time? You dear, sweet mother, I hope you have plenty of family and friends around!

(Mother of 3 who moved away from friends and family 9 times!)

Take care and bless you for even trying to stay organized! ;)

About Me

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I have three kids:
Blythe Anne, 8
Jonah, 7
Peyton, 4

My husband and I have been married for 6 years, and I spend my days being a stay at home mom while he's a driller on a land rig. So for six months of the year (he works a week on, a week off), I'm raising these kids by myself. I would write more, but I hear children screaming :)

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